Friday, November 17, 2017

Winter's Gloom or Not

Hello my pet, tis been awhile since I sat down and chatted with you. I do apologize for I neglect you so much, after all you are my favorite, my precious secret. Autumn, or fall if you like, is coming to an end here, winter and all it's despair is upon us. Yet, I can't help but ask why winter? What has winter done to cause us to hate it so? Yes it's cold and dark early but still that's no reason to hate it, is it? Perhaps we need to look deeper and see what we're missing. For example, Christmas falls in winter and for me I love that time of year. My dear pet, there is so much magic in the air and it causes strangers to be better to each other. I find peace in that magic and long for it to follow us all year long. The world be so much better if it did. Then there is snow something I admit I'm not a fan of, but have you ever looked at snow under a full moon? It's like looking at million of diamonds on the ground. It's breathtaking. I also enjoy the silence winter brings it's calming to hear nothing but my breath, to be able to clear my head be free of all sounds. Haha but then again I know I'm not normal yet you're still mine aren't you my pet. That's the thing in life ya know, no matter how grim the situation seems you always need to step back look around and truly see the life and beauty that still exists. The same life and you beauty you fail to see because you're so bent on only seeing darkness. As with all things, winter only lasts a season then it changes to something new and all life's problems also change in time. Life is what you make it the choice to be happy or sad to see light or dark all depends on you. Like the attached photo, while everything else succumbed to falls dying breath beauty still poked through. So I leave you my pet for now and do always see the light and beauty in this world, no matter how long winter seems......

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